
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Trip to Whole Foods Market Wearing a Coat in Phoenix!

Okay, well, The Veganishta broke down this morning and put on the winter jacket, you know, the one appropriate for a winter visit to Flagstaff, etc.?  Back home in Chicago where I grew up, they are experiencing a near-like 1967 snow storm, as well as many other states across the country. I just received some Picasa photos from my son-in-law. Everyone is off for a "snow day." The snow, folks, was up to his hips, and he is at least 6'1" or maybe 6'2".

We are not without the effects here in AZ. It's pretty darn cold here today. The high will be 48. After living here for about eleven years now, it has been rare for a high temp during the day such as this. And since my blood is thinned out, as they say, I had to wear my coat. My sister and I drove to the Whole Foods Market to pick up some staples and fresh produce. We lingered inside for two hours! A Vita Mix blender demo was taking place, and we stayed until we sampled: a fruit smoothie, a green veggie smoothie, hot veggie soup, and a raspberry sorbet! LOL It was our "brunch."

We loaded up the goodies in our cart—fresh kale, broccoli, kale salad, a variety of organic grains, some good olive oil, some nuts, etc. The kale salad from the deli was very good. We enjoyed it for lunch with some of my lentil and brown rice warm side dish. In my steamer yesterday, I made brown rice and lentils and used some for my veggie loaf, but then decided to add some sauteed onions, fresh cumin, turmeric, and some canned tomatoes with basil and garlic. This mix will provide a protein side dish for lunches for the rest of the week. We ate some of it along with some of the kale salad for lunch. It was very good for a cold, blustery day in sunny Phoenix.

Now, thanks to the inspiration Whole Foods Market, The Veganishta will create her own rendition of a good, cold, kale salad. I'm sure she will post the recipe when it happens!

Stay warm and cozy,

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